Healthy Walton Parks
Florida Department of Health in Walton County
- (850) 892-8015
(850) 892-8457 -
Mailing Address
362 State Hwy 83, DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433

- Creating an outdoor environment in our parks that supports the health for individuals of all ages.
- Collaborating with local governments to implement improvements that make parks a safer and more vibrant place that represents the culture of community.
There are currently two community activities that supports the intiative's goal: Multigenerational Parks and the Art in the Park Project.
Multigenerational Parks
A multigenerational park is one that is designed for all ages and abilities. Multigenerational parks offer opportunities for all park users to increase physical activity with multiple activities of varying intensities.
WCHIP has introduced this program to recognize parks that serve all ages, and to increase awareness about the availability of parks to community members. We would like to ensure that these parks can meet the needs of any age group so everyone can enjoy the spaces together.
Current Multigenerational Parks in Walton County:
- Freeport Regional Sports Complex
- J.C. Alford Park in the Gaskin Community
- Padgett Park in Santa Rosa Beach
- Wee Care Park in DeFuniak Springs
Art in the Park
The Art in the Park Project's aim is to reduce vandalism of local parks while making them a more vibrant place that represents the culture of local communities. The project is in collaborations with the Walton County Sheriff's Office, the Walton County Prevention Coalition, the Walton County Tourist Development Council, the Cultural Arts Alliance of Walton County, and others.
Driftwood Estates Park
In April 2021, the first Art in the Park Project was completed at Driftwood Estates Park in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The park was selected by the Walton County Sheriff's Office when the homeowner associations contacted them to assist with the graffiti and vandalism the was occuring often. Local art students from South Walton High School painted murals on the walls that were often vandalized as a deterrent, as suggested by the Walton County Sheriff's Office. This first project was then accessed to determine feasibility and improvements to expand the concept to other parks in Walton County.
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